Saturday, June 13, 2009

Eco Footprint Diary

Bags: I am doing well with bags! I went to the warehouse and had too much stuff to carry, so I bought a green bag (actually its blue) they are even cheaper there than the super market! Only 99c rather than $1.39! I think the real challenge is to get into the habit of taking a bag. Is seems like a strange concept because for years and years we have been given bags at the counter, it will be a hard mind set to change "right I'm going shopping, i need to take my bags" I think I can do it!

Heat pump... didn't use it at all last night! but forgot it is on a timer and it came on this morning even though it wasn't really cold at all.. good start though :)

Still hoping to hear cool ideas for keeping the wedding green, so far its candles instead of lights:) what else can we do?!


  1. That is so cool, So at school do we write our eco-footprint changes in the footprint?

  2. Yes I have a footprint outline for us to write in and then they will go on the wall to remind us everyday! :)

  3. Sorry this is unrelated but what was the website that you got the swine flu article off?

  4. I cant remember sorry, if you search swineflu spread, and june 16 you should be able to find it:) goodluck:)

  5. Thank you for commenting on my blog about egypt vs brazil i agree with you. Also i went on the net and found out what bilingualness means. it means someone who can speak 2 different languages. TEHEHE

  6. ive done my three things why we should be sustainable on my sustainability blog- click my name (drumbledoor) ind then click on the sustainabilty blog link.

  7. Miss McConnell our whole class is going to miss you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for the cool day yesterday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =)

  8. Yea thanks for the cool day yesterday it was really fun!!!!

    We're going to miss you!!!!!

    Good luck with your futre teaching!!!

  9. Miss McConnell if you want to put a video on click on the icon next to the picture one and its pretty straight foreword from there LOL good luck in uni. I know youll do great cos u were awesome in rm 18. CYA
